HAT Steering Committee

Elected April 2023

HAT Coordinator and Treasurer

Richard Dowsett

Richard has been the HAT Coordinator since 2017. He first became a member of HAT in December 2011 and joined the Steering Committee as Treasurer in 2012.

Experiencing Humanism as a practice that balances rationality with respect for all living creatures is the core of his philosophy. Providing others with a place to explore their own humanism is his passion.
Contact: HatCoord@gmail.com or HatTreasurer@gmail.com

HAT Membership

Michelle Edmunds

Michelle has been the program coordinator with HAT since 2018. She has over 20 years experience organizing events and program development.

Michelle identifies as a secular humanist/atheist and is happy to be part of the Toronto and global Humanist community. She organizes social gatherings, guest speakers and HAT-Talks for The Forum and really likes brainstorming with the Steering Committee and HAT members on relevant and meaningful new programs and events.
Contact: HatProgram@gmail.com

HAT Spokesperson

Catherine Francis

Catherine Francis holds Bachelor of Arts (1981) and Bachelor of Law (1985) degrees from the University of Toronto and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1987.  Catherine is a long-time partner at Minden Gross LLP, a mid-sized downtown Toronto law firm, practicing principally in the areas of commercial and insolvency litigation.  Catherine was raised in a secular household with a strong belief in equality rights and is keenly interested in legal issues affecting the interests of non-believers and the separation of Church and State.

HAT Web Admin and Newsletter Editor

Sarah Coudert

Born in France in the Champagne Ardennes region, I’ve moved to Canada in 2022. I’m a skeptic at heart and profoundly atheist and humanist. I’m married to a wonderful person that shares my morale and personal values. I’m an engineer and wish to use my skills and knowledge to spread humanism, kindness and happiness around me.

Contact: HatWebadmin@gmail.com

HAT Member at Large

Cornelia Laven

Cornelia joined HAT at the end of 2007 and soon became an SC member with the position of Librarian (when we still had one). In 2008, she volunteered as Newsletter Editor and has acted in this position ever since putting out the first HAT Newsletter at the end of that year. After 16 years, Cornelia remains on the SC as a Member at Large

HAT Member at Large

Tanya Long

Tanya became a member of HAT and of the steering committee in the late 1990s. She served for a number of years as the recording secretary, and then as program coordinator. Tanya is now actively participating in the HAT forum and as a Member at Large of the Steering Committee.

HAT Program Coordinator

Ryn Loewe

Drawn to humanism through escaping religion. Was raised in the JW faith. Too many doubts and not enough satisfying answers. Humanism appeals to me because we try to treat everyone with equity. The planet is meant to be a community. I work in the skilled trades and so I try and be an example to others about inclusivity. Here’s hoping we can all just get along and be happy humans.

HAT Member at Large

Janet Rudd

Janet has been a member of HAT, as well as the Ontario Humanist Society, for several years. After retiring as a high school teacher and civil servant, she sought out a fulfilling endeavour where she could grow as an individual and be surrounded by love and hope.

Janet trained to be a licensed Humanist Officiant and is an Ambassador for Humanism every time she performs a wedding ceremony and celebrates other important life events. Janet is proud to support the HAT community as a steering committee member.

HAT Public Relations

Glen Erikson

I was born and raised in a rural Lutheran community. At university, I got to reading and thinking about things philosophical, psychological and sociological. In the 60’s I wandered in the wilderness for a while. I put my feet on the ground in Vancouver, with a career and some good west coast personal growth. I got married and we began attending a Unitarian church and choir. After more travelling we are settled in London, Ontario. I am a late-blooming humanist, still reading, thinking and sorting it all out.