A Spirited Evening to Remember!

Our recent Halloween gathering on Saturday, October 26, was a great success! With over 35 guests and nearly 30 kg of delicious food, it was an evening filled with laughter, camaraderie, and memorable moments.

Catherine and Ivo graciously opened their beautiful home, setting the perfect stage for a lively mix of tasty dishes and vibrant conversations. The energy was only matched by the variety on the table—and in the costumes!

Special thank to:

  • Our event photographers—Ambrese, Henry, Silvia, and Bev—who captured the spooky spirit and friendly faces throughout the night.

  • Debbie, for her creatively challenging Halloween quiz (and for hosting with an unforgettable flair!). Move over, Ken Jennings! Congrats to Danielle, our #1 Halloween Quizzer!

  • Our costume stars—Catherine, Henry, Moses, Francesco, Paul, and Eyad—who kept the Halloween spirit alive with their clever costumes and funny hats.

  • Catherine—for once again hosting this “Humanist Invasion” with warmth and generosity. We’re endlessly grateful!

Thanks to each one of you for your delicious dishes and thoughtful contributions and for bringing so much joy to our community. Here's to many more gatherings filled with good food, great company, and laughter!

Enjoy the photos from this amazing event below!