All great reasons to gather our Community together!
5:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Halloween Costume or Funny Hats Encouraged!
The event will be hosted at a Member’s House in the Eglinton/Mt. Pleasant area. Walking distance or a short bus ride from Eglinton Subway. If you are interested in carpooling, please indicate in your RSVP whether you are looking for a ride or can offer a ride.
First email has been sent to members with a Reminder email to follow or RSVP below for details.
Members and Friends of HAT only for this event, please.
Celebratory Food & Drink Pizza Happy Humanist Cake Potluck - Please feel free to bring a dish or drinks – hot food, salad, fruit/vegetables, chips, treats, wine, beer, juice, pop, etc.
Help us plan for the event with your RSVP to