HAT Mission Statement
To grow Humanism, a secular, rational and compassionate worldview, through education, connection and community involvement in Toronto.
HAT Objectives
To promote education, understanding and development of the principles of Humanism
To defend and promote policies and practices consistent with these principles
To provide opportunities for Humanist service, study and socializing
To lend assistance to other organizations when their objectives coincide with ours
To offer and provide members and non-members with meaningful, dignified ceremonies, free of supernatural implications, at significant times such as marriage and death.
HAT Anti-Discrimination Policy
Freedom of Inquiry, The Use of Reason and Knowledge: Racism and discrimination are ideologies founded in ignorance, nurtured by fear and shielded by apathy. Free Inquiry, Reason and Knowledge give each of us the power and responsibility to respond.
Creativity: We need access to the unfettered contributions of ALL humans. When racism and discrimination silence voices, our society suffers.
Fallibility: There is no shame in frankly admitting the mistakes of the past and present. The only shame is in refusing to address those mistakes and progress.
Human Ethics: Ethical decisions should be made in the context of real people, real situations, real human needs. Injustice and unequal treatment are blights on our ethics that diminish us all. Humanism affirms the intrinsic dignity of every person. We enact that affirmation by listening, seeking to understand and acting.
A commitment to our Humanist Principles is a commitment to challenge racism and discrimination in all its manifestations; to take the time to educate ourselves on the issues and to use our democratic voices to direct our leaders.